CROENERGY 2013 – Sustainable Energy Finance and Investment Summit

Task General
02 Oct, 2013 - 04 Oct, 2013
Location: Tuhelj, Croatia
Contact: Koraljka Sabadin
Email: Send email

Sustainable Energy Finance and Investment Summit CROENERGY 2013 aims to identify ways of financing renewable energy projects using innovative financial instruments. At the same time, the programme will highlight the importance of regional co-operation by promoting energy efficiency investments. Regional cooperation in South-East Europe is essential, regardless of different stages of EU integration of countries within the region. Stability, prosperity and the security of this new emerging market are of significant interest to the EU.

The programme of the Conference has been conceived as an opportunity to enrich and strengthen regional cooperation by providing a forum for exchange of opinions, sharing and mutual learning between stakeholders and experts from Europe and beyond. The event provides an opportunity for advanced and more experienced European partners to share their expertise and explore opportunities which new, enlarged Europe is ready to offer.