Chairs, Coordinator and Secretary

Professor Mark Brown

Professor Mark Brown

ExCo Chair

Forest Research Institute
University of the Sunshine Coast
Maroochydore DC, Qld 4558

Email: mbrown2(at)

Mr Birger Kerckow

Mr Birger Kerckow

ExCo Vice Chair

Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR)
EU and International Cooperation
Hofplatz 1
18276 Gülzow-Prüzen

Email: b.kerckow(at)

Ms Anna Malmström

Ms Anna Malmström

ExCo Vice Chair

Swedish Energy Agency
Department for Research, Innovation and Commercialisation
SE-631 04 Eskilstuna

Email: anna.malmstrom(at)

Mrs Dipl-Ing Dina Bacovsky

Mrs Dipl-Ing Dina Bacovsky

ExCo Past Chair

BEST – Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies
Gewerbepark Haag 3
3250 Wieselburg-Land

Email: dina.bacovsky(at)

Mr Eric van den Heuvel

Mr Eric van den Heuvel

ExCo Technical Coordinator

Mr Eric van den Heuvel
Studio Gear Up
Cruquiusweg 111A
1019 AG Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Phone: +31 6 8322 3098

Dr Zoe M. Harris

Dr Zoe M. Harris

Head of Communications Team

Senior Lecturer in Environment and Sustainability
Centre for Environment and Sustainability
University of Surrey
Guildford, GU2 7XH
United Kingdom

Email: z.harris(at)

Mr Andrea Rossi

Mr Andrea Rossi

ExCo Secretary

BioSmart Strategies S.r.l.
Viale Giuseppe Garibaldi, 10
50026 San Casciano in Val di Pesa (FI)

Email: arossi(at)
Phone: +39 340 39 20 625

IEA Secretariat Liaison

Mr Ari Ugayama

Mr Ari Ugayama

Energy Analyst

Renewable Energy Division
International Energy Agency
9, rue de la Fédération
75015 Paris

Email: Ari.UGAYAMA(at)