BC-SMART – IEA Bioenergy Task 39: Decarbonizing the trucking sector using low carbon intensive fuels

22 Nov, 2021 - 22 Nov, 2021
Location: online
Task 39RegularIEA BioenergyWebinars

The BC-SMART Low Carbon Fuels Consortium and IEA Bioenergy Task 39 will hold their next joint, virtual webinar entitled, “Decarbonizing the trucking sector using low carbon-intensive fuels“, on 22 November, 8.30-10:00 AM, PST (5.30-7.00PM CET)

We are fortunate to have speakers/panel members representing organisations (e.g. OECD, REG, City of Vancouver, ST2) who are at the forefront of this area, with Dave Schick, from the Canadian Fuels Association (CFA) acting as moderator. You can find more information about the webinar and the panellists in the flyer (click here).

To register for the free webinar, please click here.

With many of the world’s leaders currently assembled in Glasgow at COP26, this has highlighted the need to decarbonise the global economy. Ongoing CoVid  induced supply chain problems have also emphasised the important role that long distance trucking plays, making this particular webinar even more timely.

Unlike aviation, where low-carbon-intensive (CI) biofuels are anticipated to predominate in the near term, trucking has several low-CI options such as the use of green electricity, green hydrogen, etc., and lower-CI options such as LNG,CNG and propane

However, as will be discussed, due to their “drop-in” nature, options such as low CI, renewable diesel (HEFA/HDRD/Green Diesel/etc.) are likely to predominate as the main way to decarbonise trucking, at least in the short term.

But this is debatable!
