International expert workshop: Ten times more renewable fuels
Worldwide, the demand for renewable fuels for sustainable mobility is increasing enormously. In the last 20 years, production could be expanded to about 4 EJ of renewable fuels. According to scenarios of IRENA and IEA, by 2050 it must be about 3.2 to 5.8 EJ; on average a tenfold of today’s production. Experts from IEA Bioenergy TCP Task 39 and IEA AMF, as well as representatives from Germany, will present their views and invite to a joint discussion.
We invite all interested parties to participate on 24 October, 2023 from 12 to 7 pm at the DBFZ in Leipzig (Germany) for an international expert workshop and the option to visit the pilot plant at the DBFZ.
Time | Programme |
12:00 pm | Arrival & Registration at DBFZ |
12:30 pm | Optional: Visit of the pilot plant for Green methane at DBFZ Philipp Knötig | DBFZ, Germany |
Workshop moderation: Karen Deprie | DBFZ, Germany | |
Welcome and insight Germany |
1:30 pm | Welcome Dr. Sven Schaller | DBFZ, Germany |
1:40 pm | Welcome Dr. Thomas Zeng | Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), Germany |
1:50 pm | Funding for renewable fuels in Germany Matthias Spöttle | Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV), Germany |
2:15 pm | Perspective on renewable fuels for sustainable mobility Dr. Franziska Müller-Langer | DBFZ, Germany |
Insight international work at IEA TCPs |
2:40 pm | Work at IEA Bioenergy TCP Task 39 Tomas Ekbom | Svebio, Sweden |
2:50 pm | Work at IEA AMF Jesper Schramm | DTU Orbit, Denmark |
3:00 pm | Coffee break |
Insight international activities |
3:30 pm | SAF technologies Susan van Dyk | IEA Bioenergy TCP Task 39 |
3:55 pm | SAF developments Doris Matschegg | IEA-AMF |
4:20 pm | Marine fuels Kim Winther | IEA-AMF |
4:45 pm | Role of combustion engines in emerging countries Rubens Maciel Filho, IEA Bioenergy TCP Task 39 |
5:05 pm | Round table discussion |
6:00 pm | Closure of workshop and get together at DBFZ |
Thank you for your interest in our International expert worskhop. You can register for our event using the form below. Participation in the event is free of charge.
The registration deadline for this event is 18 October 2023.
After sending the form you will receive an automated registration confirmation. If this does not arrive, please check your spam folder or repeat your registration if necessary. You will receive further details by email a few days before the event.