Task 40 Workshop – Biomass Trade & Supply System Opportunities in a World-wide Bio-based Economy

Source Task 40
04 Jun, 2014 - 04 Jun, 2014
Location: Jönköping, Sweden
Contact: Chun Sheng Goh
Email: Send email
Task 40

There is growing worldwide interest to transition from fossil energy resources such as oil and coal to renewable, bioenergy resources. The shift is complex, and the process varies depending on many influences, such as regional resource availability, logistics and distribution infrastructures, and specific product opportunities/demand. Depending on the type and size, biorefineries may be placed either near the feedstock, or near demand centres. The workshop will discuss the potential international supply, trade, and demand for biomass for energy, fuels, and chemicals applications within a competitive energy market, including the impact/opportunities associated with improved and new value chains (e.g., conversion technologies and end uses).

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