Workshop: Understanding Climate Change Effects of Forest biomass and Bioenergy Systems

07 Nov, 2017 - 07 Nov, 2017
Location: Angers, France
Contact: Emilie Machefaux, ADEME
Email: Send email
Task 38RegularIEA Bioenergy

Location: ADEME 20 Avenue du Grésillé, 49000 Angers

Room: Campanule /Colchique

Draft programme:

9:00     Arrival, coffee

9:30     Welcome (Emilie Machefaux, ADEME)

9:40:    Introduction to the workshop (Annette Cowie, Task 38)

10:00   Evaluation of mitigation effect from climate-change adapted forests (Denis Loustau)

10:30   Environmental balance of forest systems concerning climate change and other stakes: towards an optimization of forestry practices and territorial policies (Mathieu Fortin, Estelle Vial)

11:00   Coffee Break

11:30   Climate effects of different forest management regimes and wood substitution systems (Leif Gustavsson)

12h00  Tools for GHG assessment of biofuels (Patrick Lamers)

12:30   Assessing the eco-efficiency of sugarcane production using a customised LCA tool, and the implication for GHG abatement of bioenergy (Marguerite Renouf)

13:00   Lunch

14:30   Climate change effects of biochar systems (Aaron Simmons)

15:00   SOCLE project: Including Soil Organic Carbon changes in LCA to improve environmental assessments (Anthony Benoist, Cécile Bessou)

15:30   Coffee Break

15:45   Has the US bioenergy policy resulted in iLUC? (Miguel Brandão)

16:15   Quantis Guide on GHG accounting for land use change (Edith Martin)

16:45   Land use and Land Use Change in LCA (Miguel Brandão)

17:15   Discussion

18:00   Close