Publications by date
WS10: The Impact of Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC)
This workshop was held in conjunction with ExCo63 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands on 12 May 2009. At the workshop presentations were given...
WS09: Planning for the New Triennium 2010-2012
The main aim of the internal workshop was to review the structure of the Tasks in view of the strategic direction of the Agreement and to...
Algal Biomass Does it save the world? Short reflections
The technical potential of macro- and micro-algae for biomass production and greenhouse gas abatement has been recognised for many years,...
The first bioenergy village in Jühnde, Germany – Energy self sufficiency with biogas
ExCo56 Workshop: Energy from Waste: summary and conclusions
This publication provides the summary and conclusions from the workshop ‘Integrated Waste Management and Utilisation of the Products’ held...
Energy from Waste: summary and conclusions – ExCo56 workshop
This publication provides the summary and conclusions from the workshop ‘Integrated Waste Management and Utilisation of the Products’ held...
Good Practice Guidelines: Bioenergy Project Development and Biomass Supply
This paper was drafted for the Renewable Energy Working Party of the IEA in March 2007 by Ralph E H Sims of the IEA Renewable Energy Unit....
Annual Report 2008
The IEA Bioenergy 2008 Annual Report includes a special feature article 'Biorefineries: Adding Value to the Sustainable Utilisation of...
Synergies and Competition in Bioenergy Systems
Among the various renewable energy sources, bioenergy provides the most diverse group of technologies, offering a range of options in...