Utilisation and storage of captured biogenic CO2 – Deployment in selected EU countries
A number of full-scale BECCUS projects have recently been initiated, with the majority of these projects being focused on CO2 storage. Just a few years ago, some of the actors involved in these same projects were more focused on potential utilisation of the captured CO2 rather than storage. This webinar attempts to shed light on the driving factors behind this shift, by focusing on recent BECCUS deployment in Sweden, the Netherlands and Denmark.
Christiane Hennig (Germany) - Senior research associate at DBFZ German Biomass Research Centre | Lead IEA Bioenergy Inter-task project synergies of green hydrogen and biobased value chains deployment | IEA Bioenergy, Task 40 Co-Lead
David Styles (Ireland) - Associate Professor in Agri-Sustainability at the School of Biological & Chemical Sciences and Ryan Institute, University of Galway - IEA Bioenergy, Task 45 country representative
Karin Pettersson (Sweden) - Senior Researcher and Project Manager at the Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) - IEA Bioenergy, Task 40 country representative
Christian Bang (Denmark) - Senior consultant at Ea Energy Analyses, Denmark - Co-lead, IEA Bioenergy Intertask project: BECCUS 2.0. - IEA Bioenergy, Task 40 country representative
Jens Fuhrmann, RWE country case Netherlands