Bio-hubs as keys to successful biomass supply integration for bioenergy within the bioeconomy

Sep 2019

IEA Bioenergy Task 43: Sustainable Biomass Supply Integration for Bioenergy Within the Broader Bioeconomy has launched an initiative to identify successful examples of biomass logistic and distribution points for bioenergy and the bioeconomy. The goal of this initiative is to explore integrated bioeconomy supply chains to develop solutions for the reliable production and supply of more high-quality biomass for energy. These examples are also meant to serve as sources of inspiration that other biomass producers can use to enhance the sustainability of their own activities as well as for policy makers to familiarize with the bio-hub concept.

This event takes us a step forward towards new biomass supply chains within a concept of bioeconomy. The innovative examples selected for this workshop show how biomass can be produced together with wood products and food in sustainably managed landscapes.

The aim of the workshop is to develop a framework for the successful establishment of bio-hubs in support of the bioeconomy. Examples of existing bio-hubs will be presented, and an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) of existing and potential projects will be performed by participants. The workshop will have a proactive format, consisting of dynamic exchange of showcase presentations and work in groups. The results of the workshop will feed into the development of the framework for bio-hubs, which will then be further applied and tested as part of following activities.

BioEast Initiative and the IEA Bioenergy foresee that the gathered knowledge and shared experience at the workshop will contribute to the improvement of sustainable biomass mobilisation for energy purposes, notably in the BioEast macro-region and in other member countries of the IEA Bioenergy. For more, please visit

Participation at the workshop is free of charge but with limited number of seats. Please register here.