Methane emissions from biogas plants – Methods for measurement, results and effect on greenhouse gas balance of electricity produced
Presented by Jan Liebetrau
Head of Biochemical Conversion Department
DBFZ; German Biomass Research Center
The webinar introduces the new report of IEA Bioenergy Task 37: “Methane emissions from biogas plants – Methods for measurement, results and effect on greenhouse gas balance of electricity produced”. The presentation describes the state of the art of methane emission measurements at biogas facilities, as well as advantages and disadvantages of several methods to quantify emissions sources and overall plant emissions.
Click here to view webinar including discussion and questions
Download presentation Methane_emissions_IEA_Webinar_Presentation_3
Note: As a result of the auto-play function being accidentally enabled by one of the hosts, from minutes 2:45 – 12:00 at the beginning of the webinar, the slides were advancing every five seconds. The facilitator was able to re-sync the presentation and disable this function, such that the rest of the recording is smooth with no issues.