Deployment of BECCUS value chains

Participating Countries: Geographical coverage is global, though focus has been primarily on EU and to a lesser extent US

Duration: 01/01/2019 – 31/12/2022


The project is led by Olle Olsson and Christiane Hennig of IEA Bioenergy Task 40


A consortium of IEA Bioenergy Tasks – Task 40 (deployment), Task 36 (waste), Task 44 (flexibility) and Task 45 (sustainability) – collaborated on an inter-task project called Deployment of BECCUS value chains. The objective of the project was to improve the understanding of the opportunities for, and obstacles to, deployment of bioenergy combined with CO2 capture and utilization or permanent storage (BECCUS). The ambition of the project was to cut across a broad set of factors that together determine successful deployment.


Scoping report

Case studies

Topical reports

System studies

Summary report