Inter-Task Projects



The Role of Bioenergy in a WB2/SDG world (completed in August 2022)

This 3-year project started in the first quarter of 2019 and includes four activity areas. Studies are underway, including one on ‘forests as long term C sinks’ which will address the view that forests should remain uncut. The project has been completed in the 3rd quarter of 2022.

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Renewable gas ‐ deployment, markets and sustainable trade (completed in March 2022)

The main objective of the project was to enable more deployment of renewable gases and to underpin their sustainability. It was carried out in collaboration with IEA Hydrogen, EC DG ENER and industrial partners, and was completed in March 2022.

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Bioenergy for High Temperature Heat in Industry (completed in February 2022)

This inter-Task project, involving Tasks 32, 33, 34, 36 and 40, produced four separate case study reports that illustrate good examples of integration of bioenergy in industry for the delivery of high temperature heat, and a policy strategy report that provides information on market opportunities/potential and effective ways to address existing technical and non-technical barriers.

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Measuring, governing and gaining support for sustainable bioenergy supply chains (completed in June 2019)

IEA Inter-Tasks Sustainability Project 2016 is synthesised works of a number of IEA Bioenergy Tasks including Task 37, 38, 39, 40, 42 and 43 with three main objectives:

  1. To provide an overview of calculation methods & tools to assess the sustainability of various biomass and bioenergy supply chains and discuss needs, possibilities and limitations of a global, uniform/harmonized framework.
  2. To compare and assess the legitimacy, including effectiveness and efficiency of a variety of approaches on how to govern and verify sustainability of biomass and bioenergy supply chains in different conditions.
  3. To understand the positions and underlying motivations of stakeholder groups relative to their perceptions of bioenergy and inform dialogues/discussions to avoid misconceptions and gain trust in bioenergy.

Click here to view the project.


Fuel pretreatment of biomass residues in the supply chain for thermal conversion (completed in April 2019)

This inter-Task project, involving Tasks 32, 33, 34, 36, 40 and 43, aims to demonstrate how existing bioenergy chains can be made more fuel flexible, efficient and cost effective through the application of (a combination of) pretreatment technologies.

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Bioenergy success stories (completed in Jan 2018)

IEA Bioenergy has started to make a collection of success stories in the field of bioenergy. This is not intended to be a comprehensive exercise, but to provide a number of examples with a broad coverage in terms of geographical regions, feedstocks, conversion/end use, and actors.

A success story is defined as a project/initiative which provides a step forward towards longer-term sustainable bioenergy use. The project can be at demonstration, pre-commercial or commercial stage, but always in an operational environment. An important argument is the replicability and scale-up potential of the project, and its contribution to sustainable development goals (SDGs). Where possible, success factors and constraints are also highlighted

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State of Technology Review – Algae Bioenergy (completed in Feb 2017)

This IEA Bioenergy report provides an international update on the status and prospects for using microalgae and macroalgae as feedstocks for producing biofuels and bioenergy products. The report’s scope covers algae-based options for producing liquid and gaseous biofuels, and also algae-based bioenergy in the more general context of integrated biorefineries. The IEA Bioenergy Executive Committee supported this report’s compilation and it is co-authored by members of IEA Bioenergy Tasks 34, 37, 38, 39 and 42.

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Mobilizing sustainable Bioenergy Supply Chains (completed in Feb 2016)

‘Mobilizing sustainable bioenergy supply chains’ is a project carried out in the period 2013-2016, with involvement of many IEA Bioenergy experts. The project analysed sustainable bioenergy production systems to determine the factors critical to their mobilisation through a series of case studies. This work focused on five globally strategically significant bioenergy supply chains representing major global biomes and potential primary and residue supplies:
1. forest biomass from temperate and boreal ecosystems;
2. agricultural crop residues in Denmark, Canada and the USA;
3. regional biogas production from municipal solid waste (MSW), oil palm residues and co-digestion of municipal and agricultural wastes;
4. integrating lignocellulosic crops into agricultural landscapes;
5. pasture and grassland cultivation in Brazil.

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Monitoring sustainability certification of bioenergy (completed in March 2013)

To support sustainable bioenergy deployment and overcome some of the challenges associated with the current status of sustainability certification, this IEA Bioenergy strategic study examined what is actually known and what can be learned from the current development and implementation of voluntary certification systems, about the role of voluntary certification schemes in the governance of biomass/bioenergy/ biofuels sustainability and how this has affected actors along the supply chains and trade.

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Deployment of BECCUS value chains

The IEA Bioenergy inter-task project on Deployment of BECCUS Value Chains analyzes technological, political and economic aspects related to near- to medium term deployment of systems used for capture and utilization or storage of biogenic CO2.

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Lessons Learned – Biofuels

This project examined the technical, economic, societal and political reasons underlying the past and ongoing booms and busts cycles of biofuel technologies development, demonstration, deployment and replication. The aim was to identify key factors for technology successes and the best policy framework conditions as well as the measures for stimulating increased future markets for production and consumption of sustainable transport biofuels.

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