Renewable gas ‐ deployment, markets and sustainable trade
Participating Countries: Geographical coverage is global, though with a focus on IEA countries, and the EU.Duration: 01/01/2019 – 31/03/2022
The project was led by Uwe Fritsche & Christiane Hennig, IEA Bioenergy Task 40
The IEA Intertask project concerns the prospects of implementing renewable gases (RG) in the energy markets of IEA countries, and beyond. The aims of the RG project are to
- provide state-of-the-art overviews on prospects, opportunities and challenges for various mechanisms that could help deploying biogas, biomethane and other renewable gases in energy markets in IEA countries (e.g., green gas certificates), and beyond
- discuss technological and sustainability issues of RG from a deployment perspective and derive respective recommendations for policymakers.
The project provides decision makers and the research community with a comprehensive overview of what is currently known regarding renewable gases, considering both technology development/infrastructure and which mechanisms exist and are considered to fulfil the important role of renewables gases in global climate scenarios for a well-below 2°C world.