IEA Bioenergy Task 33 Webinar – Gasification of biomass and waste
IEA Bioenergy Webinar Series – 24 February 2021
Presented by
Moderator Berend Vreugdenhil TNO Energy Transition Innovation Manager Gasification Gas Cleaning and Upgrading The Netherlands
Presenter Prof. Dr. Guanyi Chen Chair Professor of Bioenergy & Environment at Tianjim University China
Presenter Sunil Dhingra Senior Fellow and Associate Director Renewable Energy Technology, TERI India
Presenter: Jitka Hrbek, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
In this webinar invited speakers from India, China and Europe share their insights on how gasification is developing as a technology including technology developments as well as ongoing R&D in the field of gasification. Gasification is a technology, which can serve many purposes. For the production of heat and power on a small scale, to the production of fuel and chemicals on a larger scale.
Prof. Dr. Guanyi Chen elaborates on industry-based R&D efforts and discusses a case study. Mr. Sunil Dhingra discusses biomass gasification in India, covering technology, potential, key challenge and future needs. DI Dr. tech. Jitka Hrbek shares learnings from the past years and provides an outline on how gasification is developing in Europe/USA.
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