Perspectives on biomethane as transport fuel within a circular economy, energy, and environmental system

Mar 2022

This report, produced by IEA Bioenergy Task 37 (biogas), provides exemplars of very good biomethane based transport solutions from Sweden, the UK, Norway and the US.

Transport biomethane sits well in the broad circular economy, energy, and environmental system. In essence biomethane can be considered as one of the products or services of a broad biogas system. The full biogas system is not only about energy, but it provides services across a range of sectors including

  • reduction in fugitive methane emissions from slurries,
  • treatment of residues,
  • improve water quality,
  • provision of biofertiliser,
  • provision of food grade CO2,
  • a fuel readily available for long distance heavy haulage.

Full report

2 page summary

Citation: Ammenberg J., Gustafsson, M., O’Shea, R., Gray, N., Lyng, K-A., Eklund, M. and Murphy, J.D. (2021). Perspectives on biomethane as a transport fuel within a circular economy, energy, and environmental system. Ammenberg, J; Murphy, J.D. (Ed.) IEA Bioenergy Task 37, 2021:12.