IEA Bioenergy Task 44 Workshop – Flexibility Provision from Biogenic Gases
IEA Bioenergy Task 44 Workshop – 23 November 2022
Presented by
Increasing shares of variable renewable energy (VRE) in the energy supply system create a demand for measures to provide flexibility at different time scales on a sustainable manner. At the same time, Russian invasion of Ukraine has strengthened the demand for sustainable domestic resources to guarantee security of supply in Europe. Bioenergy has inherent capability to provide both of these features as it can shift resources regarding time and place as well as between sectors. The workshop focuses on technical options and Best Practices to provide flexibility from biogenic gases through gasification, biogas and Power-to-X pathways, without forgetting links to renewable hydrogen and carbon capture and storage/use (BECCUS). IEA Bioenergy Task 44, in collaboration with Task 33 and Task 37, invites you to learn and discuss technical options to provide flexibility from biogenic gases, barriers and drivers for their implementation and end-user demands.
Click here to view webinar including discussion and questions:
Intro for Task 44 and flexible bioenergy
Keynotes: Challenges in bio-based energy systems – The end-user perspective
Overview on concepts for flexibility from bioenergy
Technical options for flexible bioenergy