Two-page-summary – Bio-CCS and Bio-CCU: Climate change mitigation and extended use of biomass raw material

Jun 2018

Between May 2016 and January 2018 IEA Bioenergy organized four specific workshops concentrated on various aspects around Bio-CCS and Bio-CCU. This paper shows the general conclusions related to Bio-CCS, Bio-CCU and its climate impact.

From a climate perspective, the most important applications of Bio-CCS and Bio-CCU identified in this project are:

  • Indirect electrification of sectors which are otherwise difficult to decarbonize
  • Boosting the output of biomass based processes, such as gasification, fermentation or anaerobic digestion with renewable electricity
  • Applications where high concentration CO2 is captured and stored, simultaneously with energy/product generation

The full workshop summaries are available by clicking here
