IEA Bioenergy Webinar: Perception and Positions of Stakeholders towards Bioenergy
Prof. Dr. Martin Junginger Chair Bio-Based Economy, Energy & Resources Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Thuy Mai-Moulin PhD researcher, Energy & Resources Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Uwe Fritsche Scientific Director International Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Strategy, Germany
Perceptions and positions of stakeholders towards bioenergy vary widely, depending amongst others on the type of feedstock used, conversion technology and end-use, regional settings etc. In this webinar, we first present the viewpoints and positions of international stakeholders based on insights from over 200 questionnaire responses (on topics such as awareness, barriers, challenges, drivers and conditions to gain support for the bioenergy sector), two roundtables and 11 dedicated interviews with international stakeholders in the biobased economy such as DSM, RSB, Bioenergy Europe and Greenpeace. We then briefly present the results from several regional case studies, and provide recommendations on how to engage more successfully with a broad range of stakeholders so that policies and sustainability governance are perceived as legitimate and help build-up social capital, trust, and support among all stakeholders. Lastly, we outline how this work will be continued in IEA Bioenergy in the coming years.
Click here to view webinar including discussion and questions
Download presentation – IEA Bioenergy Webinar. O3 Intertask sustainability project 5 Feb 2019 Final