WS24: Governing sustainability in biomass supply chains for the bioeconomy

23 May 2019
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

A workshop in collaboration with the IEA, GBEP, FAO, IRENA, the Biofuture Platform, below50 and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency was held in conjunction with ExCo83 in Utrecht, The Netherlands on the 23rd May 2019. With more than 100 participants, the theme of the workshop was Governing sustainability in biomass supply chains for the bioeconomy. The workshop included two plenary sessions during which fifteen invited speakers gave presentations covering ‘setting the scene and policy experience’; and ‘collecting the evidence’ with views from multi-lateral partnerships, industry and civil society. This was followed by two “World Cafe” sessions during which break-out groups discussed ‘actions needed for progressing towards a sustainable, circular bioeconomy’, and ‘a collaborative way forward’.

The workshop concluded with a plenary session collecting the summaries from the “World Cafe” sessions and elaborating on the conclusions and next steps.
