WS25: Developing business models for efficient use of biomass

22 Oct 2019
Location: Tallinn, Estonia

22 October 2019

An IEA Bioenergy workshop was held in conjunction with ExCo84 in Tallinn, Estonia on the 22nd October 2019, facilitated by The Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. With more than 70 participants, the theme of the workshop was Developing business models for efficient use of biomass. The workshop included a welcome and introduction followed by three plenary sessions during which twelve invited speakers gave presentations covering ‘setting up supply chains’; ‘examples of developing biobased business models’; and ‘CO2 capture as part of future biomass business models’. This was followed by a panel discussion covering (i) challenges and opportunities to expand biomass mobilisation in a sustainable way and setting up supply chains, (ii) main barriers for industry investments in biobased business models and BECCS and (iii) recommendations to overcome these barriers.
