Task 43: Biomass Supply in a Nature Positive Circular Economy
Website: task43.ieabioenergy.comParticipating Countries: Australia, Canada, Croatia, European Commission, Finland, Germany, New Zealand, Sweden, USA.
Professor Mark Brown
Director of the Forest Industries Research Group
Forest Industries Research Group (ML16)
Locked Bag 4
University of the Sunshine Coast
Maroochydore DC, QLD 4558
Email: mbrown2(at)usc.edu.au
Assistant Task Leaders
Associate Professor Ioannis Dimitriou
Dep. of Crop Production Ecology
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
PO Box 7043
SE-750 07 Uppsala
Email: Jannis.Dimitriou(at)slu.se
Task Secretary
Kelly Murphy
University of the Sunshine Coast
Locked Bag 4, Maroochydore DC,
Queensland, 4558 Australia
Email: KAMurphy(at)usc.edu.au
[This Task was known as: ‘Biomass Feedstocks for Energy Markets’ in the triennium 2016-2018, ‘Sustainable biomass supply integration for bioenergy within the broader bioeconomy’ in the triennium 2019-2022]
1. Definitions and Objective
(a) Definitions
‘Short Rotation Crops’ (SRC) for bioenergy are both non-woody and woody crops in which biomass for energy is a significant product. They comprise systems based on annual or perennial plants, including trees grown on short rotations (both coppice and single-stem plantations).
‘Conventional forestry systems’ means the systems in use for the establishment, management and harvesting of conventional forest products such as pulpwood and timber, in natural forests and fast-growing single-stem plantations, but excluding short-rotation coppice systems specifically designed for energy production.
‘Sustainable production’ means that measures taken and technologies used to furnish specified products do not materially reduce the capacity of the forest to furnish the same quantity and quality of products in the future, with respect to a broad range of criteria including ecosystem condition, global ecological cycles, economics, material benefits and social considerations.
Bioenergy’ is the production, conversion and use of material which is directly or indirectly produced by photosynthesis to manufacture fuels and substitutes for petrochemical and other energy-intensive products.
‘Social aspects of bioenergy systems’ means any impact or contribution of biomass production and use for energy production to employment, education, health and other social factors.
‘Economic aspects of bioenergy’ means any contribution or benefit of biomass production and use for energy production for financial benefits, local industry creation, infrastructure developments, and other economic factors.
(b) ‘Objective
Through deployment, application and management of best practice in technology and economic systems in integrated biomass production and supply chains systems Task 43 aims to:
- Develop, refine, compare and promote sustainable integrated land management strategies that contribute to increased, competitive biomass mobilisation through engaged stakeholder groups in existing and emerging agriculture and forestry lignocellulosic systems
- Develop, refine, compare and promote innovative biomass supply chain and logistics systems through engaged stakeholder groups that more efficiently recover and deliver more high-quality biomass for multiple products and markets including bioenergy
- Explore emerging bioeconomy supply chain and logistics systems to develop integrated solutions for the production and supply of more high-quality biomass
- Foster international collaboration and shared views on strategies to increase the quantity, quality value, and reliability of biomass supply and logistics
2. Scope of the Task
(a) The Participants will have R&D programmes within their countries in order to meet the above objective;
(b) The Participants will carry out co-operative research work towards reaching the objective described in paragraph 1(b) above, based on the national R&D programmes referred to in sub-paragraph (a) above;
(c) The Programme of Work will comprise the following:
- Two work packages
- WP1 – Biomass production systems for sustainable bioenergy within the bioeconomy
- WP2 – Integrated supply chain and logistics for sustainable bioenergy within the bioeconomy
- Information exchange with other IEA IA’s, other IEA Bioenergy Tasks and other international networks worldwide
- ExCo interaction and support.
Triennium Report
Download the Task 43 – End-of-Triennium report 2019-2021