Task 37: Energy from Biogas
Website: task37.ieabioenergy.comParticipating Countries: Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK.
Bernhard Drosg (Task Leader)
BOKU University – Department of Agrobiotechnology, IFA-Tulln,
Institute of Environmental Biotechnology
Konrad Lorenz Strasse 20, A-3430 Tulln
Email: bernhard.drosg(at)boku.ac.at
Assistant Task Leaders
Peter Kornatz (Co-task Leader)
DBFZ – Deutsches Biomasse Forschungszentrum
Torgauer Str. 116
Email: Peter.Kornatz(at)dbfz.de
1. Definition and Objectives
(a) Definition
‘Energy from biological conversion of organic waste’ refers to recovering energy from anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste (MSW), sewage sludge, energy crops or agricultural residues (in conjunction with MSW or organic industrial waste) using engineered reactors.
(b) Objectives
The main objective of Task 37 is to to communicate and advance the knowledge of anaerobic digestion systems and their application via circular economy processes to decarbonisation and environmental improvement. The specific objectives include i) providing expert advice on the optimal role of biogas in future energy systems; ii) informing policy makes and developers on sustainability of biogas systems and on methods to ensure good practice; iii) providing expert advice on the integration of anaerobic digestion into processes; iv) providing technical support to policy makers and to the public.
2. Scope of the Task
(a) The Participants will have R&D and dissemination programmes within their countries in order to meet the above objective;
(b) The Participants will carry out co-operative research work towards reaching the objectives described in paragraph 1(b) above, based on the national R&D programmes referred to in sub-paragraph (a) above;
(c) The Programme of Work will comprise the following:
(i) Major topics to be addressed including;
- Energy systems – biomethane as a transport fuel
- Sustainability and Environment – green gas certification & sustainability criteria
- Integration of anaerobic digestion into processes – integration of anaerobic digestion into the agriculture sector
(ii) Deliverables including:
- Information Exchange between the Member Countries
- Technical reports
- Biomethane as a transport fuel
- Technical aspects of integration of biogas systems into the energy system
- Green gas certification & sustainability criteria
- Good Management Practice of the anaerobic digestion facility
- Integration of anaerobic digestion into farming systems
- Increasing the range of feedstocks for anaerobic digestion
- Collaboration – Integration of anaerobic digestion into biorefineries
- Inter-Task Projects – Sustainability
(iii) Information exchange with other IEA IA’s, other IEA Bioenergy Tasks and other international networks on thermal biomass conversion worldwide
(iv) ExCo interaction and support
Triennium Report
Download the Task 37 – End-of-Triennium report 2019-2021