Task 32: Biomass Combustion

Website: task32.ieabioenergy.com
Participating Countries: Austria, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Japan, The Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland.


Morten Tony Hansen
Senior Consultant (M.Sc. Eng.)
Ea Energy Analyses
Gammel Torv 8, 6. Sal
DK-1457 Copenhagen

Email: mth(at)eaea.dk

Assistant Task Leaders

Christoph Schmidl
BEST –  Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies
Gewerbepark Haag 3
3250 Wieselburg-Land

Email: christoph.schmidl(at)best-research.eu


1.         Definition and Objective

(a)        Definition

‘Biomass Combustion’ refers to both dedicated biomass combustion and co-firing of biomass with other fuels for the production of usable energy and includes market introduction and optimisation of biomass combustion technologies.


(b)        Objective

The objective of Task 32 is to collect, analyse, share, and disseminate strategic, technical and non-technical information on biomass combustion and co-firing applications, leading to further acceptance and improved performance in terms of environment, costs and reliability, and to support the existing momentum in market introduction of improved combustion and co-firing systems and finally find its role in the future energy system in its member countries.

2.         Scope of the Task

(a)     The Participants will have R&D programmes within their countries in order to meet the above objectives.

(b)    The Participants will carry out co-operative research work towards reaching the objectives described in paragraph 1(b) above, based on the national R&D programme referred to in sub-paragraph (a) above.


(c)     The Programme of Work will comprise the following:

(i)      Task meetings to exchange results from relevant national R&D programmes;

(ii)     Study tours and international workshops dealing with:
–  Workshop on improved combustion in stoves and small biomass boilers,
–  Internal workshop on national strategies for reducing emissions from wood combustion,
–  Workshop on experiences with combustion of pulverised non-woody solid biofuels, and
–  Workshop on experiences with wood chips for large scale CHP production.

(iii)   Three work packages covering:

–  WP1 – Improvement of small-scale biomass combustion

  • Theme 1 – Emissions and real-life performance
  • Theme 2 – New biomass combustion technologies with almost zero emissions
  • Theme 3 – Future of small-scale combustion & policy strategies

–  WP2 – Biomass combustion in industry

–  WP3 – Integration of efficient and fuel flexible large-scale biomass CHP in the future energy grid

(iv)    Specific actions resulting in:

–  Report on testing methods and real-life performance of pellet stoves

–  Technical guidelines for design of low emission stoves

–  Report on national strategies for reducing the impact on air quality from residential and commercial wood combustion

–  Report on provision of biomass based high temp heat in industry.

(v)    Workshop reportsInformation exchange with other IEA TCPs, other IEA Bioenergy Tasks and other international networks on thermal biomass conversion worldwide

(vi)     ExCo interaction and support.

Triennium Report

Download the Task 32 – End-of-Triennium report 2019-2021