Task 40: Deployment of biogenic value chains and carbon management
Website: task40.ieabioenergy.comParticipating Countries: Austria, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, USA.
Christiane Hennig
Research Fellow
DBFZ- Deutsches Biomasse Forschungszentrum
Torgauer Str. 116
04347 Leipzig
Email: christiane.hennig(at)dbfz.de
[This Task was known as ‘Sustainable biomass markets and international bioenergy trade to support the biobased economy’ in the triennium 2016-2018]
1. Rationale and Objectives
(a) Rationale
With the next triennium running from 2019 to 2021, much focus will be on how to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement (limiting global temperature increase to well below 2 °C – and possibly even 1.5 °C – and global decarbonization). Within respective scenarios, bioenergy as well as bioenergy combined with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) for the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere may play a vital role in meeting these objectives. In terms of numbers, a larger amount of energy may be needed from biomass.
Furthermore, various countries have targets on the share of energy from renewable sources around the 2030 timeline. In the EU for example, the 40% GHG reduction / 27% renewable energy for 2030 are binding (Renewable Energy Directive RED (2009/28/EC)).
In the recent recast of the RED, the share of energy from renewable sources has been increased to at least 32% by 2030 (Directive (EU) 2018/2001), and the EU Commission now aims at a 45% GHG reduction target for 2030. Many EU Member States project large volumes of bioenergy to meet these targets, inducing more mobilization of biomass resources for energy – as long as it also contributes to GHG emission reductions. Thus, both monitoring of the progress towards achieving these targets (evaluation of failures and challenges) and assistance for the governance and design of the policy for 2030 and beyond are needed during the 2019 – 2021 triennium.
This will also have to include increased trade of sustainable bioenergy and biomass for the bioeconomy.
(b) Objectives
The core objective of Task 40 is to support the deployment of viable, efficient and biobased value chains in the context of
- sustainable regional, national and international markets
- reflecting on policy developments, and economic aspects, including financing
- international, national and regional trade of biomass
recognizing the diversity in biomass resources, value chains and competitive applications for bioenergy, biobased materials and products (bioeconomy context).
2. Scope of the Task
(a) The Participants will have R&D, dissemination programmes, and relevant activity within their countries in order to meet the above objective;
(b) The Participants will carry out co-operative research work towards reaching the objective described in paragraph 1(b) above, based on the national programmes referred to in sub-paragraph (a) above;
(c) The Programme of Work will have three core areas of operation:
- WP1: Market developments
- New regional bioenergy markets – key actors, policies and regulation, and technological challenges regarding deployment, and trade
- Market perspectives and deployment guidance for aviation and marine biofuels (Collaborative Inter-Task project)
- Globalized sustainable biobased value chain, including market perspectives and synergies between bioenergy and the bioeconomy
- WP2: Industrial Heat and Processes
- Industrial heat (technologies, markets, and deployment) and processes, considering bioenergy pathways as alternatives/complements to CC(U)S (Strategic Inter-Task project, lead: Task 32)
- BECCS/U – industries and technologies suitable for BECCS applications, considering deployment requirements (Collaborative Inter-Task project, lead: Task 40)
- WP3: Deployment Strategies
- Deployment guidance on technological barriers, economic aspects & financing
- Renewable gas – deployment, markets and sustainable trade (Strategic Inter-Task project, lead: Task 40)
- Role of bioenergy in a Well-below-2 oC/SDG world (Strategic Inter-Task project, lead: Task 45)
- Information exchange with other IEA IA’s, other IEA Bioenergy Tasks and other international networks worldwide
- ExCo interaction and support.
Triennium Report
Download the Task 40 – End-of-Triennium report 2019-2021