Task 33: Gasification of Biogenic and Waste Feedstocks for a Sustainable Future

Website: task33.ieabioenergy.com
Participating Countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, The Netherlands, Sweden, UK, USA.


Jitka Hrbek (Task Leader)
Universität für Bodenkultur  (BOKU)
Institute for Chemical  and Energy Engineering
Muthgasse 107/I
1190 Vienna

Email: Jitka.hrbek(at)boku.ac.at

Assistant Task Leaders

Joakim Lundgren (Co-Task Leader)
Luleå University of Technology
Universitetsområdet Porsön
97187 LULEÅ

E-mail: Joakim.Lundgren(at)ltu.se


  1. Definition and Objective

(a)       Definition

‘Gasification’ means the thermal destruction of biomass in a reducing atmosphere of steam or air (or both) to produce a medium- or low-calorific value gas which can subsequently be converted to other fuel forms, chemicals, hydrogen, and other products.

(b         Objective

The objectives of Task 33 are (1) to promote commercialisation of biomass gasification, including gasification of waste, to produce fuel and synthesis gases that can be subsequently converted to substitutes for fossil fuel based energy products and chemicals, and lay the foundation for secure and sustainable energy supply; (2) to assist IEA Bioenergy Executive Committee activities in developing sustainable bioenergy strategies and policy recommendations by providing technical, economic, and sustainability information for biomass and waste gasification systems.

  1. Scope of the Task
  • The Participants will have R&D programmes within their countries in order to meet the above objectives.
  • The Participants will carry out co-operative research work towards reaching the objectives described in paragraph 1(b) above, based on the national R&D programme referred to in sub-paragraph (a)
  • The Programme of Work will comprise the following:
  • Task meetings to exchange results from relevant national R&D programmes;
  • Several Task Projects (TP) focused on technical and commercialization aspects of gasification
  • Reports targeted towards policy makers, technology developers, industrial end users, researchers and the general public
  • Semi-annual workshops organized by the Task targetting researchers and industrial end users and promoting information dissemination and discussion among technology experts
  • Significant interaction with other tasks, annexes and associated international bodies including joint studies and workshops targeting common interest areas and barriers to successful commercialization of gasification and associated bioenergy technologies
  • Two Task projects have been identified:
    • Status of emerging gasification technologies for biomass and waste
    • Status report gasification update
  • Continued updates of Task website and biomass gasification facility database
  • Publication of semi-annual Task newsletter
  • Updated Country reports from member countries, as well as a final comprehensive report, summarizing the status of biomass gasification, and providing detailed information on projects for inclusion into the facility database:
  • Information exchange with other IEA IA’s, other IEA Bioenergy Tasks and other international networks on thermal biomass conversion worldwide;
  • ExCo interaction and support.

Triennium Report

Download the Task 33 – End-of-Triennium report 2019-2021