Management of Biogenic CO2: BECCUS Inter-task Phase 2
Duration: 01/04/2022 – 31/12/2024
This project, which comprises eight working packages, aims to: facilitate cross-Task, crossTCP and cross-sector learning on bio-CCUS; shed light on (bio)energy system integration of bio-CCUS; and address CO2 mitigation potential of bio-CCUS. It will allow for a more systemic consideration of how to take different BECCUS applications to deployment, thereby building upon, but going beyond, Phase 1.
The main outputs of the project, which started in Q2 2022 and will end in Q4 2024, will include four reports, two workshops and one webinar. Collaboration is foreseen with various TCPs (ETSAP, GHG, IETS), in addition to the Synergies ITP.